
Sunday, February 3, 2013

My Word for The Year


There are many things about myself that I could 'fix', but one thing that has been eating at me for some time is the lack of color in our home.  So I'm going to fix that first.  My word is COLOR!

I came across Lucy's blog last December, and fell in love with her use of bright colors.  (Take a look at her blog, and you'll quickly see what I mean.)  I decided right then and there that I was going to add color to my life.  And what better way to add it than with yarn!

The great room/kitchen, where I spend most of my time when I'm not in my craft room, is lacking considerably in the color department.  We have a few nick knacks and books that have some color, but all I see is brown.  Brown hardwood floors, brown built in bookshelves/cabinets, brown stone fireplace, brown leather sofa, brown bookshelves and antique furniture, brown (ok, tan) walls, brown kitchen table, brown kitchen cabinets, brown granite counters, brown bar stools and chair pads.  Brown.  Brown.  Brown.  Aaaaagh!  The room has a very 'warm' feel, but the lack of color is making me go insane!

See what I mean?  Dull and boring.

The first way I decided to add color was to make an afghan.  I ordered my yarn right before we left on our Christmas vacation cruise, so it would be here when we got back home.

Aren't the colors beautiful?  I couldn't get a hook in my hand fast enough!  I used Lucy's Neat Ripple Pattern, and started my afghan on Jan 2nd.

In progress and loving the colors already!

I am not one to take my time when I am working on a yarn project - I can hardly wait to get it finished, and it becomes an obsession.  So I worked on my afghan every day and/or every night, sometimes for a little bit, but most days for hours.

I really liked the border on Lucy's afghan, so I put one on mine, too.

And then...

before I knew it, it was finished.  It wasn't made to fit this bed, but I thought it made a pretty picture.  : )

I absolutely love how it turned out.  There were times when I thought I made the wrong random color choices while I was making it, but the next few rows would change it back to a pleasing overall combination.  Looking at it now, I wouldn't change a thing about it.  I think it is perfect.

Just one little afghan draped on the back of the sofa brightens up the whole room.

Hi, Motorboat!  I can tell we are going to be fighting with the cats to see who gets to use the afghan!

Here's the nitty gritty...

Yarn - Stitch Nation by Debbie Stoller, Washable Ewe (100% superwash wool)
Skeins - least 2 each (some colors 3), 9 different colors; 100g/183 yds each
Finished size 60" x 82"

Here are some fun facts...

Base row 227 stitches
138 rows
Color changes - 68
Total stitches - approx. 32,800
~25 minutes /row + borders = approx. 65 hours
26 days to complete
Mileage - 1.87 miles of yarn

Cost - priceless

Do you have a lot of color in your home?  How do you accessorize with color?



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