Friday, February 1, 2013

Big News!



Is anyone there?

(That makes a great answering machine greeting, btw.)

I know, it has been forever since I posted to my blog.  Sorry.  There have been many projects in the works, and some even finished, but I have been lazy.

Very lazy.

Baaaaad blogger.

Well, to keep you enticed, here is a sneak peek of one of my projects.

The kitties love to sit on my lap when I crochet, and sometimes they even get to play with a scrap of yarn!  That one is Moonshine, aka Moonie or Moo-Moo.  Can you tell she loves to knead?  If I could just train her to knead on my back, I'd be all set!    I will be posting about my ripple afghan soon.

Now, for the Big News!  I wanted to let you know about a new blog I am starting.  (For one who can't even keep up with one blog, one thought it would be a good idea to start another!)

I am very passionate about making healthy choices, and I want to share my thoughts and the obstacles we face when trying to make those choices in a culturally unhealthy environment with all with you.  It can be done!  So I created a new blog, Wellness and Health For Life.  I hope you will join me there, and learn how to make healthy choices for a lifetime of wellness.

As always, thanks for stopping by.


1 comment:

Wahib Tannoury said...

I like your blog and your projects, I am always trying to have some time to post my small projects online.